May 25 2023
Sep 28 2023
420 Patio Comedy - Every Thurs May - Sept

420 Patio Comedy - Every Thurs May - Sept

Presented by Puff Mama at SpiritLeaf Cabbagetown

Do you like standup comedy? Do you like cannabis? How about patios? Join us for HIGH quality standup comedy show on a cosy little patio at SpiritLeaf in Cabbagetown! Bring yer friends! Bring yer mom! Come with a crew or come alone! We'll be jokin' and tokin' every Thursday until the fall!

May 18:
Jeremy Yaksich
Collin Sideris
Etay Kuperman
Ronen Geisler
Ian Fergus
Clif Knight

May 25:
Amy Bugg
Kyle Lucey
Hailee Nora
Jordan Policicchio
Amanda Custodio
Emily Shen

June 1:
Jen Sakato
Hershawn Arora
Zain Ali
Robert Orlando
Liam Andres
Jordanne Brown
More dates announced soon! You can get tix far in advance below, and I promise it will be a good show!

- This is an alcohol free, cannabis friendly venue. Patrons are encouraged to purchase THC drinks and cannabis from Spiritleaf. You can however bring in regular drinks, snacks and takeout food!

- The show will have adult content, so some swearing and dirty jokes, but the comedians won't harrass you, they just want to tell good jokes!

- This is also a dog friendly venue - you can bring them as long as they don't heckle!

- The patio is sort of wheelchair friendly. There are 6 steps up the front door, but its flat if you come through the back. You will need to enter through the gate from the parking lot, but you'd have to come before the show and leave after, as that is where the comedians will be performing from. The bathroom is somewhat accessible, just needs the special bar. Please email me so I can make arrangements to make you comfortable!


Comics looking for a spot:

SIgn up form is here: 

You can only sign up for 1 spot for now, for the entire summer, to make sure everyone gets a chance. Once the first rush is over, if there's spots, I will open the gates again to fill the voids!

Dates & Times

2023/05/25 - 2023/09/28

Location Info

SpiritLeaf Cabbagetown

238 Carlton St., Toronto, ON M5A 2L1