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A.C.T stands for Artists Changing Theatre.

The word change could evoke a sense of scepticism when you first read it. What change are we talking about here? What more can we change?
A lot.
The purpose of this theatre company is more than what you will see on stage but also what happens behind the curtains. Many of us focus so much on what happens on stage (as patrons and as artists) but so much creativity, innovation and talent happens when the lights aren’t on.
We measure the success of a theatre company in many ways, a few can be; box office revenue, butts in seats and glowing reviews. But I will ask you one question…what did it take to get there?
We all have gone through productions or heard stories from our friends that say “We’ve been pulling 12-hour days for too long, I’m exhausted” “I’m not getting a proper break” “That show burnt me out” Maybe we need to reevaluate what our perception of success means to us…

Our mandate has two parts: 
1. At A.C.T. Productions, we aim to push the boundaries of storytelling and the audience experience. Focusing on existing and newly developed Canadian works we can collaborate with our community of artists on how we can uniquely tell a story. 
We also love comedy, who doesn’t
2. At A.C.T. Productions we are committed to creating a safe, equitable and mental health-conscious environment with every production we put on.

Through our mental health for ArtsWorkers approach, we will break down the systematic an ... view more »

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