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To laugh is to live. And Toronto’s comedians represent all walks of life, much like the city itself. Here, you can come out of a comedy show not only laughing your face off, but also knowing a little more about the world.

Unfortunately, our comedy scene has yet to recover from the pandemic. Before, our comedians had plenty of opportunities to showcase their skills. But today, many of those opportunities are gone. That’s a shame, because as a comedian myself, I’ve had the privilege of meeting many talented comedians who absolutely deserve more of the spotlight.

So that’s why I decided to start Cartwright Comedy, a stand-up comedy show featuring hilarious comedians from across Toronto. And yes, “Cartwright” comes from that Seinfeld episode!

I believe comedy has something for everyone. Some people enjoy the hilarity of daily life, which sitcoms like Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm deliver to perfection. Some people enjoy funny personal stories that not only make them laugh, but also make them think. And some people just like to laugh! When choosing comedians for the show, I take great care to ensure that the lineups embody a diverse range of perspectives and styles.

Come to our show and enjoy a night of laughter, because it is truly the best medicine! And don’t forget to invite your friends and family too. After all, laughter is a gift worth sharing with the people we care about.

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