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Xenia Concerts Inc. works with the neurodiversity and disability communities to design, produce, and present exceptional performing arts experiences for children, their families, and others within those communities who face systemic and social barriers to inclusion.


To serve as Canada’s leading resource for the creation and promotion of family-friendly, accessible, and inclusive performing arts experiences for neurodiverse and disabled audiences through professional training, productions, and presentations.

Our Values

Enrichment – Xenia Concerts Inc. understands that music, the arts, and the opportunity to express oneself artistically improves the quality of life of all people.

Inclusion – Xenia Concerts Inc. believes that all persons have the right to experience, create, and otherwise express themselves through artistic endeavours.

Excellence – Xenia Concerts Inc. creates and presents programs, concerts, and other artistic productions of high professional quality.

Inspiration – Xenia Concerts Inc. seeks to inspire creators, artists, and audiences through arts experiences.

Community – Xenia Concerts Inc. promotes and nurtures social development and creates community cohesion through accessible and inclusive artistic events.

Sustainability – Xenia Concerts Inc. achieves its mission and vision through adherence to its values while always being fiscally responsible.

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